Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Hard Not To, Ain't It?

Philippians 2:14,15

 14Do all things without grumbling or questioning, 15that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,  [emphasis mine]

Yes, I'm talking about grumbling, murmuring and complaining.  In the world, we expect to hear unbelievers complain like it's nobody's business.  They don't depend on the Lord and His goodness, nor trust in His Sovereignty to cause all things to work together for good.  It's tough to be content under those circumstances I'd imagine. They don't have the benefit of being taught from the Bible of the sufferings of the Saints before us; they don't have the benefit of seeing the suffering of Christ in relation to their own "suffering."  Unbelievers compare their suffering, for the most part, to what they feel they deserve.  Yet, they're unaware that we all deserve Hell.  Believers should not be so unaware.  Paul tells us in Philippians that he learned contentment, and that contentment he learned was solid in WHATEVER state he found himself.
Saying that just gave me two points that should really cause believers to at least hesitate before freely offering up joy-killing complaints:
1. God is good and can be depended on-Complaining undermines faith and thanksgiving.  Can one complain and be thankful at the same time?  Yeah, if that one has a forked tongue and a double mind.  It sounds like this, "I'm thankful that God gave me this job, BUT.........." Uh Oh, dear believer.  You should probably really think twice about continuing that statement.  True thankfulness doesn't have a but.  
2.God is Sovereign-Romans 8:28 says that if you belong to the Lord, He is working everything out to your good and for His glory.  Where can we find space to complain in light of that? Is there ANY circumstance that is not under the authority of the Creator of the World?  Is your situation outside the scope of God's Sovereignty?  All things work together for the good of the believer because God orchestrates these situations for the sanctification of His children.  That is, the aim is Christlikeness-Trust the Lord that He's accomplishing that in you through this light affliction.  
Listen, I'm talking to myself just as much as anyone here.  I find myself at times complaining about the most trivial things.  Once I stop and listen to myself, I realize I'm being a kill joy to whoever's lucky enough to have to listen to my murmuring.  Complaining is a sin, plain and simple.  If I continue to let this little fox get into the garden of my Christian growth, it will spoil the vine of evangelism, peace (external), and joy in my life.  All because I think more highly than myself and my trials then I ought.  Sad shame that would be.  
I know this is Drops of Thought, and I'm supposed to be brief, so I'll just leave you with some wisdom from the Word of God:
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rejoice in the Lord always. Phil. 4:4; Rejoice always. 1 Thessalonians 5:16; Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. James 1:2  (Joy in trial, not complaint)
Why should any living mortal, or any man, offer complaint in view of his sins? Lamentations 3:39 Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Luke 13:2-3 (We all deserve Hell, so anything short of that should cause us to rejoice not complain)
The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom. 8:18; For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2 Corinthians 4:19 (Basically, in light of eternity and God's sanctification of His own, all affliction should be endured without complaint)
Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right? Genesis 18:25 (Sometimes we believe that something is not right with our situation.  Like, "how could I be going through this," as if God does anything other than that which is right. Even the smallest complaint (I don't like this food) wreaks of ungratefulness and a sense of entitlement that runs counter the tenor of the Whole Bible.)
My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (I think that says enough) Look at the context in which the Lord says this to Paul........
Finally, who of us has gone through that which our Savior has?  Have I been beaten beyond recognition, spit upon, pierced with a spear, hated, ridiculed, mocked, and murdered? No, but I'm upset because things aren't going my way and I have to do something I don't want to. I hereby resolve to put away all complaining in my life by God's grace. I repent of the ease with which I complained up till now too.  If I have brought you down, or provoked complaint in you by my complaints, I apologize.  If you are an unbeliever that I have shared the Gospel with, and I tainted my testimony through complaint, I apologize; and although that won't amount to a good excuse for you on judgement day, I promise I realize the hindrance that could've been.  Please forgive me and obey the Gospel.  If you are a friend of mine who I've told to trust God during one of your afflictions and you've heard me complain as if I don't heed my own advice, I apologize and ask your forgiveness.  
Lastly I'd like to say Praise God for the mirror of His word, His grace to show us us, and the enablement and motivation He gives to turn from sin and to Him. 
Grace and Peace.


misha said...

very true, and to add to that, it's amazing how deep the love of God is even for those of us who struggle with complaining... I think of how long suffering He was towards His people as they wandered in the desert. He is so good and gracious and forbearing. Even after He had even parted the sea, they complained!! It is indeed a hard feat, to stop complaining, and surely our first tendency upon hardships... let us as brothers and sisters in Christ therefore not restrain from ENCOURAGING our fellow brothers and sisters when we happen to see such a one wallowing. Let us not cease to look for the opportunity to pray with such a one, that we might restore them to the truth of peace that should swell in their hearts. Let us not be quick to frustrate them, but quick to love them as God so commands us to be forbearing and has shown us His divine nature to love the unloving and spur them on to good works with our compassion and willingness to pray with them, or offer encouraging words, or even a healthy and godly rebuke to charge them to walk as they ought... Jas 5:19-20 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

and just before the verse that you mentioned in 1Thes 5:17 &18 we are encouraged to do this as well...

1Th 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.

It's so fitting that these things go together, because it has everything to do with how God has enjoined His body, His family together, that they might effectually work together to bring about His glory. We can't do this without one another and although God is indeed working in us by His spirit to convict us and bring about repentance, He has been gracious enough to give us even earthly help (because He knew we needed it! I know I do!!) in one another by our ability to spur each other on to good works.

When I have been lovingly rebuked by a sister or brother in Christ, it is AMAZING the results... God has used those occassions to bring about sanctification in my life in several instances! PRaise God for His body and those willing to be used of Him to do what He's called in loving our brothers and sisters in the way that brings about what is eternal, our sanctification!

TrueConvert said...

Wow!! Awesome comments, and again a point of conviction for believers. We do have a responsibility to lovingly exhort and encourage (even rebuke at times). Seems that when we encounter a brother complaining outwardly, we complain inwardly while not feeling compelled to address such a one in love. Equally sinful in the eyes of our Lord. This seems to be what's in view when the Scripture says that when we "point fingers, we're guilty of the same sin." That's a paraphrase. I admit I'm not as inclined to pray with one offending God through complaint/discontent. It's something else that must be put off in my own flesh. You hit the nail on the head when you mention God's amazing love and Grace. I MUST remember that in all His interaction with His own, sanctification is the intended end. That through conviction, encouragement, perspective change, and many other means. I appreciate your comments sincerely, as it is the other side of the coin I flipped with this entry. We need to grow to hate sin yes. That growth in hatred should also cause us to have a deeper LOVE for the Lord and appreciation for His grace. In ourselves AND others. Good exhortation in both directions this morning. May I be given to expressions of compassion, love, and prayer for others even as I sense my own need for these things. Praise God that what you have expressed brought a Godly perspective to the table that I needed to consider. Its almost as if my view was incomplete in light of Scripture. Yours plus mine equalled a whole. Thankbyou for being the better half, by God's grace.