Tuesday, January 4, 2011

John Piper - From Passion 2011

I'm just beginning to watch some of these vids being posted from Passion 2011 (From their website) : "Passion is an experience you can't find anywhere else. It's a worship and educational conference designed for 18-25-year-olds and college students. Last year, we worshipped with 22,000 people! The next Passion is January 1-4, 2011, at Philips Arena and the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA."

Many of you know John Piper or are somehow only seperated by 5 or 6 degrees from him if you look back over your Christian life :)
Anyway, he's back from an 8-month sabbatical and I understand that he really preaches a timely, convicting, and encouraging word in this sermon. I have yet to watch, but I am planning to do so very soon. I thought meanwhile I'd share with you all this and a couple other sermons that have had the Twitterverse buzzing over the last couple days. Enjoy them as I do, and if you happen not to be a Christian, I pray you'd watch, listen, read other posts on my blog and be provoked by the Lord Himself to repent and live. Christ is King!!

Posted via email from Drops of Thought

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