Thursday, December 16, 2010

Know Your Heretics | The Resurgence

Since there is nothing new under the sun, it's a good idea to study history to inform the future, no? Well in this series by Justin Holcomb over at The Resurgence (, several historical heresies are unmasked and laid bare for our benefit. It's crazy to see that what we know today as Oneness Pentecostalism is just a repackaged/rebranded form of the heresy taught once by Sabellius. Yup, there IS NOTHING new under the sun. Perhaps reading these articles will have you better informed for the sake of contending for the faith. At worse, perhaps we'll see aspects of our OWN theology that needs a reboot. Either way, enjoy and be blessed by the series. I know I am.

Posted via email from Drops of Thought

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