I was just sitting here thinking about what it used to take me to put a blog post together. All the signing in to a specific site, getting format just right- not to mention finding photos, and linking them within the post. I'm thankful for that reason for Posterous, and the iPhone app that accompanies it. Yes, I mean Picposterous. These two make a wonderful one-two. Gone are the days of complicated work to create something worthy of acceptance. In are the days when all the most difficult work is done for you. It's freeing and binding at the same time. It's because of how much is done for me that I WANT to post more. It's no longer a chore to post, it's a welcome joy. Anyone I know that's blogging in older, more stressful ways I want to see liberated by what I've learned. Sadly, though, some have responded with attitudes that say they'd rather feel like they're doing something. That it's just not right for some technology to do ALL the work for them. It should be more of a partnership, they say. I won't let that stop me from heralding the beauty of freedom...
You do the math.
Posted via web from Drops of Thought
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