Saturday, February 14, 2009

ESV Study Bible Giveaway Winner

Here at Streams of Thought, we had our first giveaway drawing (of many to come) yesterday.  The drawing was conducted as my daughter (2 year-old Amaya) was headed out the door with my wife and other kids on a trip.  I interrupted her doing her version of the "perfect pushup" to ask her to complete the task of picking Daddy's winner.  At first, she had no idea what I wanted her to actually do.  She'd never been honored to pick a name from among 14 post-it notes folded in a skull cap.  Finally, sucess and Ttate came out the winner~  Congratulations!!  We pray the new Bible is a blessing to you.  
Coming up in March is going to be another giveaway that we pray you'll love.  Again, congrats to Ttate, and thank you for all the new subsribers/followers.  Feel free to follow me on Twitter too!  A link can be found to do so over to the left under "Streams of Twitter."
Grace and Peace!!

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