Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Gift that Keeps Giving.......Pt II

Psalm 127:4,5A
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. 5 How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;

Yes!! I'm back with the second installment of "The Gift that Keeps Giving," and this time I want to briefly highlight my children. I want to take the time to glorify and praise my Lord for His graciousness in my life. A graciousness that has been shown to me in the form of 4 beautiful children. I can tell you that looking back (as we all do at times), I would never have imagined myself having 4 children, but God is Sovereign and I'm so thankful. Have you ever heard someone say, "I keep going because of my kids?" Well, I've come to learn that there is some truth in that. Not TRUTH, like Biblical truth; truth in that there is an invigorating energy that your children give to you. There's also an awful lot of accountability to them because they grow and become in some ways products of your character and tendencies. Note the verse above; like arrows in the hand of a warrior. Whew, what imagery that is. I will say that the responsibility I have as a father is enormous! You don't just go shooting arrows all over the place!! There is forethought, intent, and purpose; otherwise you'd cause more damage than good. There have been great times and also painful periods of growth in that area for me. You know what though? It's worth every second of it. Now on to my little arrows :)
I want to acknowledge our God for 12 year-old Jay, 4 year-old Jayden, 2 year-old Amaya and 8 day-old Selah. I can not begin to express my gratitude to the Lord for healthy and very bright-eyed and energetic children! I want to praise my Lord for giving me a desire to train them in His ways, and blessing me with the energy required to do so. I want to thank God that He is Sovereign in salvation, and confess my utter dependence on Him for the opening of my children's eyes to Christ and their need. Over the last lil' while here, my children have been really expressing their care for one another in ways that are so refreshing to see. May the Lord continue to grant us the grace to teach them His standard of preferring one another over themselves. For my birthday, I want to bless God for giving me so many different means to grow in Christ-likeness, my children being 4 more. He uses them at times to convict me, encourage me, and show me what child-like faith really is. God is Awesome!! I am rocked by His kindness and mercy towards me when I look at the children He's given me, and I want to say Thank You. There's (as always) so much more I could say, but for now this will suffice :) For my 34th year, I pray that I will be a more Christ-like father, and that God will grant me more grace to shepherd the hearts of my children towards Him. I love you Jay, Jayden, Amaya, and Selah!!
Thank you Lord!!
Stay tuned for Parts III and IV (My Parents, and The Body)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great stuff fam!