I know, I know; at least half of you probably already got one since all the cool Christians preordered it and got it the first day out. Well, the truth is, I don't have one yet and I might not be the only one. Sooooooo, if you are like me and are late on all the latest, here's your opportunity to win a Bonded Leather ESV Study Bible!! That's right, win, which means FREE! It's as easy as pushing a few buttons, and tapping a few keys. All you have to do is EITHER subscribe to Streams of Thought under "Streams of Subscribers" along the left side of the blog, OR sign up to follow SOT under "Streams of Followers." Next, leave a comment in this blog entry letting me know which you did, and that's it. During the 2nd week of February, I will take all the names of new subscribers and followers, put them in a hat, and have my 2 year-old daughter pick one out. The winner gets a brand new, bonded leather ESV Study Bible. How easy is that? If you already have your copy, why not tell a friend so that they can share in the blessing of deeper study of God's Word? Thanks in advance friends!
God Bless You!
PS, not familiar with the ESV Study Bible and its rich resources? Click here for a 5-minute overview featured on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ46mI5BVFg
I'm following you on twitter- @btobbutton, and on blogger
Sweat deal TC! I subscribed to the feed.
I subscribed to the feed.
God bless YOU for this giveaway..even if I don't win. LOL
I'm following you on google. Here's my contact info because i know i'm going to win. JK. God bless this is a gracious gesture.
Nick Birdsong
1585 Church Ave. SE Apt. 76
Jacksonville, AL
i'm following because i have a servant's spirit...and i want to win the ESV. by the way this is zacchaeus from HCR
TC, I signed up under Streams of Subscribers for the ESV bible giveaway. Your blog is very insightful, and easy to read.
Hey brah just signed up and hope God feels like blessing me with that Biblio! And Im def gonna be gettin at your writings! Good stuff so far, God Bless
I signed up for streams of followers in interest for the ESV Bible.
I signed up under the posts via google reader
I found you on last.fm and I subscribed to your feed through my rss reader. Thanks for the thoughts!
- alaaji@16mail.com
For all,
The drawing for this giveaway will take place next Saturday, the 14th of Feb! That's right, Valentine's Day!!!!
I'm following you on twitter and via blogger! You can email me after I've won at dwayne@4handsclapping.com :)
SWEET! I have subscribed and hope to win the ESV bible and also be edified through some of the blogs!!!!
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