Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday with Spurgeon: Reflections from the book "Spurgeon Gold"
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
How Ought We to Plan?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Indwelling Sin-Present in us, Absent in our Lord
Saturday, December 20, 2008
All For God's Glory
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Biggest Loser, HCR Style
Ahhhhhhhhh...........Seems I'm not the only one feeling a certain way about these temples the Lord gave us. Some of my brethren over at HCR have started a "Biggest Loser" competition to begin in January. January 1st to be exact. The great day of resolution for the world. I intend to participate in this contest, of course, especially based on my last blog post. I mean, I've been searching for proper motivation to get up and do something active. It sort of smacked me in my face as I was reading on the message boards, and really I have no reason not to do it. My question is, should a contest be the reason I do what I am now being compelled to do anyway? I would say yes in my case, and maybe no in others. Let's face it, someone having a contest to see who can read the most Scripture in a 6-month period would be futile. There should be an inner motivation towards that exercise by virtue of the Holy Spirit within us. So I'm not advocating "motivation by contest" willy nilly. However, for some of us, it's been our deep look into the mirror of Scripture that has prompted us to want to be better stewards of what God has given us. In this case, it's our bodies. Clearly, Scripture tells us that we have been bought with a price, and that our bodies are not our own (I Corinthians 6:19,20). Such being the case, we should seek to glorify God with our bodies, Paul goes on to say. Now I realize that the context of that passage was sexual purity. In no way would I strip this verse from its original context to suit my need to lose weight here. However, I don't think it a stretch to say that the bottom lines are two. 1. God created us, and gave us these bodies, and 2. If we are believers, He caused His Holy Spirit to dwell in these bodies. Meditation on these two facts have caused a desire to take better care of what God has given me on a number of fronts. Physically, I was motivated as of yesterday; this motivation led me to pray that the Lord in His grace would help me along in what's easy for my mind/spirit, but hard for my flesh. Voila! I'm reading one of my favorite sites and there is the post by my Brother. The burst of mass that happened to me over the last few years had also befallen him!!!! I was not alone in the outcome of overrelaxing and apathy towards my weight. As the post gathered readers, he and I knew WE were not alone. Now there's a group of us that want to do something about it, but realize the support of the brethren is vital. Hence, HCR's Biggest Loser contest. See, the Bible says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts. Not that He will give us what we want, but that He will by His Spirit INFORM us of what we want. Cyclical prayer is what I call it. A. We seek God through His Word and Prayer (John 15:7, Psalm 119:105, Phil. 4:6 among others) B. Our time in the Word shapes our worldview and perspectives (Romans 12:2, Psalm 119:9, etc) C. God in His grace draws closer to us as we are drawn to Him through relationship (James 4:8, Psalm 145:18, etc) D. Our affections are changed to reflect more of Him through that relationship (again, Rom. 12:2, Ezekiel 36:26 and more) E. We pray according to those changed affections and WOOP WHAM!!! F. God answers the prayer that He Himself motivated and shaped within you. (Psalm 37:4, Psalm 21:2, Psalm 145:19, etc) I say all that to say that as I searched the Scriptures, I found within myself one more of many shortcomings. Namely, the lack of proper stewardship over the body that the Lord blessed me with. The temple in which He has made His Holy Spirit to dwell in. The body that does not belong to me, for I am bought with a price. My mind changed from, "why does it matter, it's APPOINTED every man to die anyway," to "Lord I want to please you in the way I take care of the things you give me. I don't want to take your selfless sacrifice for granted. I don't want to treat your gifts like they don't mean anything." As my mind changed, I realized that I didn't know how I could motivate myself to exercise, or change my diet or anything. Then along comes my brother Teddy P with the answer. To that I say, Thank you Lord. Soooooooooooooooo, in this case, a contest motivating me to exercise is actually an answer to prayer. I'll let you know how I do come January. Pray for me.
Grace and Peace
My Belly's Conscience, Part I
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Bent Outta Shape: Biblical?
Wowzers!!! My first *real* day of blogging has me just about overwhelmed. If you've ever seen say, my parents with an iPod you'd know about how I feel right now. As technically saavy as I'd once thought myself to be, I am humbled by this new experience. For one, I originally had this blog hosted on wordpress, partially because I saw a few others there and said, "this looks easy." Wrong, I tell ya. Wrong, altogether wrong. Now, just as I was getting frustrated, I thought back to a recent convo I had with my brother in Christ. We were discussing the Bible's view on the acceptability of frustration as a normal Christian response to difficulty. The fact is, we discovered, frustration is actually a fruit. In other words, frustration is the reflection in a mirror; the reality of which is anger. As I thought about my frustration with this blog thing, I began to chip away at the facade and boil down to the truth. I was angry-angry because A. I was not having my expectations met when it came to putting this blog together, and B. My pride told me that I was smart enough to have this thing whipped together in 5 minutes. Well I called it frustration, justified it as proper and acceptable, and was just about to move on. Then I thought about our Lord.........Did Jesus ever exhibit frustration in the way that we do? I mean, there were plenty of situations He was found in that if it had been me, I would've been FRUSTRATED (read, angry). The disciples continuing to ask Him about things He'd explained, and REexplained, etc....... See, the truth is that there are some instances that frustration would appear to be warranted. However, Scripture does not give a believer an out when it comes to our responses to adversity. During this ordeal, I'm realizing that frustration=anger=anxiety, all of which we should depend on the Lord to rid us of. In simple terms, this is an opportunity for growth for me. I have gone sooooo long thinking that to be frustrated is OK, and I've allowed that false belief to lead to justification for the more heinous manifestations of that frustration. Some of these have been argument, raised voice, silent treatment, irritability, and the distancing of myself from the Body of Christ. I have to look at any emotion that has produced such foul fruit as those I just described as bad, not good or acceptable unto the Lord. Philipians 4:6-7 says this:
Here I Go Again, For the First Time
Well everyone, here I am. I've entered the thickly populated world of blogging. I thought long and hard about doing this; in fact, I created 3 blogs before this. Come to think of it, they probably all still exist. For good reason, I won't link you to them or even share their titles. Each time I started a new blog, I thought, "this is it!" This is it, as in no more will I be lazy and not write regularly. No longer will I say, "Awwww, noone wants to know about that." Well, this time is different. Don't ask me why or how it's different, it just is. I feel it in my "spirit." That brings me to one of the topics you'll probably see me blog about often. Spiritual things; because, well I'm a Christian. So expect that, along with a plethora of other topics that get me moving in some direction, emotional or otherwise. The reason I've chosen to call this blog "Streams of Thought" is because that's exactly what it is. From my mind to this page. Regularly and candidly. I pray it brings something to this well-attended table known as the blogosphere.
Grace and Peace,